June 22, 2008

Blogging in Portuguese

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you know by now that I'm involved in several projects that are cutting my time to blog. While some of you would prefer the regular blogging I have done in the past, I still think that there are things that should be talked and there are things that should be done. In order to make both, for now at least, the frequency of my blogging must be low as it has been in the last couple of months, and I'm glad that it is that way, because I am really getting things done. So, some of you chose to not only follow my blogging here, but also follow my a lot more frequent microblogging (on FriendFeed). Those that follow me that way might have noticed by now that I'm now also blogging in another place, and in another language.

From yesterday, I started writting a bi-weekly column in "Programas Livres" (translate to "Free Programs"), where I talk about Digital Rights. So, if you know Portuguese, you might want to start reading my column there (here's the RSS feed). Without promises, I expect to translate those articles (at least some of them) and post them here.


  1. diversas vezes o teu blog foi indicado por membros do Planetuga!
    Infelizmente o Planetuga é um projecto que só comporta conteúdos redigidos em Português.
    Se algum dia optares por mudar de idioma ou passares a ter um blog bilingue dá uma apitadela que teremos todo o gosto em contar com a tua presença.

  2. Thank you for doing it marcos.

    your contribution will give PL a great help.

    and you can translate it as Free Software 'cause it's the best translation from and to english and we are committed to the FSF ideia of freedom
