March 11, 2008

Seven Deadly Sins

sevend deadly sins

Is all over the news by now, the "Seven Deadly Sins" are supposedly going to change. Let me remind you that Pope Gregory I was the first to name the "seven deadly sins": Superbia, Avaritia, Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Ira, Acedia. 15 centuries after, it seems that the Vatican now wants to change from this seven sins for others. These are "human sins": people will allways have the tendency to these things.

Now, despite a lot of newspapers and websites telling that Vatican wants to change the deadly sins, that is far from truth. If you read them all and cross-reference stories, you'll see that the only thing that happened is that the Vatican considers "new stuff" of sins: but the "list of sins" is infinite, we're not talking about "deadly sins" here.

News should be that the Vatican consider "polluting, genetic engeneering, being obscenely rich, taking drugs, carrying out experiments on humans, abortion, causing social injustice and pedophilia" sins, not that they're ditching the old "deadly sins" list.


  1. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Even though all the original sins could definately be considered deadly, it's never describes that way in the bible. The Vatican kinda just put them in there and now are adding other ones. I just don't like the fact that a "person" is giving these rules, and we are expected to follow them. Now if the bible tells me that I will not be forgiven due to these sins, then that's different. Lets face it, their church is obscenely wealthy, and I'm sure they drive cars that polute the environment, and take medication that was once involved in human experimentation....I can go on and on. Do you think these are reasonable sins?

  2. True, the bible was written before the existence of Pope Gregory I, who was the first to name the "seven deadly sins". About "a person giving these rules", notice that, according to the catholic church, the Pope is the Vicar of Christ, being the representation of the Holy Spirit. Now, if you're a Catholic or not that's already up to you...Yes, I know that "their church is obscenely wealthy, and I'm sure they drive cars that polute the environment, and take medication that was once involved in human experimentation", and I also could go on and on. I don't think those are "reasonable sins", but then I don't believe in "sins", nor am I catholic.

  3. I am Catholic and if you live in the United States by sheer dependence and assimulation you have commited all of these sins. It is a fight for us Catholics, in the US.

