October 25, 2007

So Long, Facebook

I just deactivated my Facebook account. Thanks Armando: http://www.asourceofinspiration.com/2007/10/25/scared-of-facebook/


  1. É impressionante - tudo em que a MS toca transforma-se pra pior. Tipo um reverse Midas' touch. :)

  2. Anonymous12:11 AM

    De facto o vídeo deixou-me um pouco alarmado, mas parece-me que isto já acontecia antes do exclusivo de publicidade com a Microsoft

  3. Sim, eu já estava com pé atrás antes do negócio com a Microsoft, e não foi o negócio com a Microsoft que me fez sair de lá...

  4. Ajudem-me aqui com isto: porque e que se juntaram ao FaceBook? E que eu nao sou fa de nenhuma social network, e francamente so vejo aquilo como fonte de engate (pelo menos pelo pessoal que conheco que as usa...).

  5. I don’t know about you, but LinkedIn knows a lot more sensitive information about me than Facebook.

    So what, they (fb) know what music I like to hear (so does last.fm and everyone who subscribes my lifestream), they know what movies I like watch… and?

    That works in my advantage. If I don’t get advertisements about stuff I don’t like, I’m fine with them using that. Just like I don’t mind receiving emails from Amazon with suggestions that suit my tastes.

    The scary part is not that they have the data.. is what people are putting in there. If you’re documenting your entire life, home addresses, phone numbers, etc., then the problem is YOU not them.

    Those words on the terms of service? You would get scared if you read the terms of all services. That’s lawyers talk, to prevent legal action.

    Please, if you’re leaving facebook, be coherent and leave ALL social networks: hi5, linkedin, myspace, last.fm, etc. They all have “sensitive” information on their db’s.

    (comment crossposted along some blogs)

    (desculpa ir em ingles, já estava escrito para o blog do Armando)

  6. Eu juntei-me ao Facebook logo no seu início porque eles na altura prometiam ser _a_ social network para bandas independentes... Depois, fiquei para ver quando é que isso aparecia. Apareceram as primeiras funcionalidades mas eram só para bandas UK (weird!) e quando dei conta estava o Facebook a dar o boom. Não costumava usar a conta lá, mas passei a usar graças à app do Last.fm que permitia algumas coisas (comentar cada track!), coisa que não se pode fazer no próprio Last.fm (weird, huh?)... Mas deixei de ir lá. Depois deste vídeo "deixar de ir lá" não chegava, tive de terminar (o mais possível) a minha conta.


    I have a LinkedIn account - but there I totally control what they have about me, and I know (TOS) that they're not collecting outside info about me to build a database of my life.

    I usually read the terms of service. I usually don't sign in with such stuff like this. One mistake I do is that I sign in even when there are those clauses "we can change this at any time without telling you" - and probably that's what happened with Facebook. Anyway, what scared me the most was the connections and whom to the data is surely going.

    Last.fm has only the data I want to submit. Also, I can remove data (like "I don't want anyone to know that I listened to britney spears"). Hi5 as no data about me but some of my tracks. MySpace has only data about thee music I like (sort of, you can guess by some of my "friends" there) and public information about my musical project. The only network that was giving me chills was Facebook, so I finaly quit. But yes, you have some points there. I still have to clear out some stuff about what Google and Yahoo! know about me, but that's a whole other story...
